Monday, July 22, 2019

Location, Location, Damnation (The Brackenford Cycle #1)Location, Location, Damnation by Nick Moseley

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
Content: Strong Language (the British variety)

Working as an estate agent in the town of Brackenford isn’t the hardest job in the world – just ask Trev Irwin. He knows the market inside out, house prices are steady, and the only competition in the office is Barry, who has all the wit and charm of a mouth ulcer.

But there are other forces at work in Brackenford besides the unquenchable desire of grannies to buy bungalows, as Trev discovers when he witnesses a shadowy entity possess a man in a local café. A man who goes straight home and murders his wife and her lover. With a cricket bat.

This book series caught my eye when I saw it was part of a buddy read. I was particularly interested in it because it promised to be humorous and I'm always looking for a book that can make me laugh. I could also have possibly been drawn to it because we just happen to have our house on the market right now and have been looking for a new one for quite a few months. It was an interesting coincidence that this book features real estate agents, or estate agents, as they are called in England.

Fortunately, this book had me laughing immediately. I loved all the snarky sarcasm. I was interested in the story right away as well. Unfortunately the story itself lost some steam somewhere in the middle. It was still fun but not as entertaining as I was hoping it would be, but I have heard that the series gets better so I'll stick it out for the next book.

The things I liked best about the book was the snarky, sarcastic humor; the characters Oscar (Because who doesn't love a talking cat?); and Agatha. I hope they continue to be featured prominently in the series.

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