Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Purrfect Alibi (The Oyster Cove Guesthouse Book 3)A Purrfect Alibi by Leighann Dobbs

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Content: Clean

Fortune tellers and mediums have descended on the Oyster Cove Guesthouse, determined to solve the mystery of local seafarer Jedediah Biddeford’s murder 300 years ago... especially if it leads them to the treasure he buried on the guesthouse grounds. New owner Josie Waters has suddenly got bigger problems than burning the breakfasts: she’s up to her elbows in tarot cards and tea leaves…

This was another fun addition to the Oyster Cove Guesthouse series. It wasn't as engaging to me as the two previous books, but I still liked it. It's a cozy mystery so you have to be able to suspend disbelief while reading. I think that's probably the hardest thing for me when reading books like this. How many times can murders happen at one Inn? How many times can it happen and people still want to stay there? I honestly thought just the 300 year old mystery of Jedidiah's murder would have been enough to carry this book, but of course there ends up being another murder.

Once again the cats were the best part of the book. I love reading the banter between Nero and Marlowe, but I do wonder how the ghost could understand them, I mean they're cats. There were also very, very small steps toward a possible romance for Josie. I kind of find that aspect of the series frustrating, because the romance was just too slow moving for me.

While I've enjoyed these and I am now caught up on the series, I'm not really sure how many more of these I will read. I would have preferred if this had been a trilogy, instead of a series with no end in sight. There is only so much pure fluff I can read, and then I need to move on.

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