Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16)Peace Talks by Jim Butcher

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy
Content: Strong Language

When the Supernatural nations of the world meet up to negotiate an end to ongoing hostilities, Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, joins the White Council's security team to make sure the talks stay civil. But can he succeed, when dark political manipulations threaten the very existence of Chicago--and all he holds dear?


I can't think of another book that I looked more forward to reading this year. Like everyone else who loves this series, I've been waiting for 6 years for this book to come out! Was it worth the wait? Yes! Yes it was! This is the first of two books in The Dresden Files that will be released this year, and that goes a long way to make up for the six years.

Overall this book was great. There were some developments that I was pleasantly surprised about, mainly because I had either given up on anything happening on that front, or because it was something I had not considered. There were other developments that made me sad, but hopeful that things will be alright in the end.

Ever since the book Changes I've missed certain things. The boarding house with the sub-basement in particular, and Harry just having a place to call home in general. There is a point in this book where Harry laments the lack of a home, as well, and it felt like a nod to the way I felt. Harry also ends up making a discovery in Marcone's compound. The compound that was built on the old boarding house site. I won't say what it is, but it made me smile, and then it made me angry right along with Harry.

This remains one of my all time favorite series, and I'm looking forward to reading Battle Ground in September, which by the way, releases the day before my birthday. What a nice birthday present that will be!

“Home, like love, hate, war, and peace, is one of those words that is so important that it doesn't need more than one syllable. Home is part of the fabric of who humans are... It's where you eat the best food... It's where you and your mate are the most intimate. Its where your raise your children, safe against a world that can be horrible things to them. It's where you sleep, safe. It's where you relax. It's where you dream. Home is where you embrace the present and plan the future. It's where the books are. And more than anything else, it's where you build the world that you want.” 

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