Monday, May 6, 2024

April 2024 Book Club: The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber


My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Sci-fi
Content: Off page sex, Mind torture


There he was in his sailboat in the middle of the Atlantic, all alone and loving it. Well, there was a US Navy carrier group on his southern horizon, but he was a Navy guy himself, so he didn't mind. Then came the UFOs, hurtling in from the Outer Black to overfly the carriers at Mach 17. Their impossible aerobatics were bad enough—but then they started shooting at each other. And at the Navy. With nukes. Little ones at first, but winding up with a 500 megatonner at 90 miles that fried every piece of electronics within line-of-sight.Richard Ashton thought he was just a ringside observer to these now over-the-horizon events. Until the crippled alien lifeboat came drifting down and homed in on his sailboat; suddenly he has his hands full of an unconscious, critically wounded and impossibly human alien warrior who also happens to be a gorgeous female.That's when things got interesting.


This is the second book by David Weber that we've read for book club and I wasn't crazy about either of them. The first book we read was Mutineer's Moon. I gave that book 2.5 stars, and though I liked this one slightly better, I also gave it 2.5 stars. I feel like those were generous ratings. Most everyone else at book club also didn't think this was more than a 2 or 3 star read. The problem I have with David Weber's books in general is that are very surface level and just don't dig deep enough. 

The beginning of this book was very hard to get into because we are hit with a lot of techno babble right from the start. Once I got past all that I got more into the story. This didn't go the way I thought it would, which is a good and bad thing. I feel like there were some missed opportunities story wise, and there were a lot of really lucky coincidences that happened in this book. I also wasn't crazy about the relationship between the main character and the alien lady, that literally drops out of the sky and lands next to his boat in the ocean. I found the description of this book amusing. It reminded me of that song by Styx, Come Sail Away. The only difference is that he didn't fly away on her ship, she climbed aboard his. If you've never heard it, give it a listen. It starts out very tranquil with an ocean voyage and then gets trippy.

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