Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Liar's Girl by Catherine Ryan Howard


My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Suspense
Content: Strong language


Her first love confessed to five murders. But the truth was so much worse.

Dublin's notorious Canal Killer, Will Hurley, is ten years into his life sentence when the body of a young woman is fished out of the Grand Canal. Though detectives suspect they are dealing with a copycat, they turn to Will for help. He claims he has the information the police need, but will only give it to one person - the girl he was dating when he committed his horrific crimes.

Alison Smith has spent the last decade abroad, putting her shattered life in Ireland far behind her. But when she gets a request from Dublin imploring her to help prevent another senseless murder, she is pulled back to face the past - and the man - she's worked so hard to forget. 

I'm so glad I discovered this author. I knew after reading The Nothing Man that I wanted to read more of her books, and this second one was also very good. This author is very good as writing character centered psychological suspense, a type of book that I love if done right. I enjoyed the slow build of this story and I thought the characters were very well written. It kept me guessing for a while, but I realized how things were going to end up somewhere in the middle of the book. That being said, it still kept me reading because I wasn't sure I was right. If you enjoy this type of book then I recommend this one and The Nothing Man. I'm looking forward to reading more of Catherine Ryan Howard's books.


“Did he really think I’d escaped all this intact? That I could love him and he could kill people and then I could just go on and live a normal life? That I could have those things now, no harm done? Didn’t he realise what he’d done?” 






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