Monday, June 10, 2024

May 2024 Book Club: By a Silver Thread (DFZ Changeling #1) by Rachel Aaron


My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Content: A mildly descriptive sex scene


In the world’s most magical metropolis where spirits run noodle shops and cash-strapped dragons stage photo-ops for tourists, people still think fairies are nothing but stories, and that’s exactly how the fairies like it. It’s a lot easier to feast on humanity’s dreams when no one believes you exist. But while this arrangement works splendidly for most fair folk, Lola isn’t one of the lucky ones.

She’s a changeling, a fairy monster made just human enough to dupe unsuspecting parents while fairies steal their real child. The magic that sustains her was never meant to last past the initial theft, leaving Lola without a future. But thanks to Victor Conrath, a very powerful--and very illegal--blood mage, she was given the means to cheat death.

For a price.

Now the only changeling ever to make it to adulthood, Lola has served the blood mage faithfully, if reluctantly, for twenty years. Her unique ability to slip through wards and change her shape to look like anyone has helped make Victor a legend in the DFZ’s illegal-magic underground. It’s not a great life, but at least the work is stable… until her master vanishes without a trace.

With only a handful left of the pills that keep her human, Lola must find Victor before she turns back into the fairy monster she was always meant to be. But with a whole SWAT team of federal paladins hunting her as a blood-mage accomplice, an Urban Legend on a silent black motorcycle who won’t leave her alone, and a mysterious fairy king with the power to make the entire city dream, Lola’s chances of getting out of this alive are as slender as a silver thread.


This is the first book in the DFZ Changeling series, and I was super excited to return to the world of the DFZ. For the most part I liked this book, just not as much as I liked Heartstrikers or The DFZ series. The fairy magic was interesting but part of me feels like it doesn't quite fit into this world with the belief based magic. I also felt like the romance was really rushed and sort of took over the story. And there were certain things that happened in this book that felt like a repeat of things that happened in the DFZ series. The big battle was predictable, as were most of the other elements of the story. Overall, I just felt like this story wasn't nearly as interesting as the other ones were. Plus the dragons were glaringly absent. Still there were things to like. I enjoyed the way Lola could change shapes and create vehicles for herself to use, and I enjoyed her self-discovery. One of my favorite parts of the book was a certain song dedication. 

For book club we decided to make pill bottles for everyone with red pills in them just like Lola had. Thirteen to be exact, and I tied a silver thread around each bottle. We used Red Hots for the pills.



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