Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Missing Sister by Elle Marr

 Book Cover 

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Psychological Thriller
Content: Strong Language


In Paris, her twin sister has vanished, leaving behind three chilling words: Trust no one.

Shayna Darby is finally coming to terms with her parents’ deaths when she’s delivered another blow. The body of her estranged twin sister, Angela—the possible victim of a serial killer—has been pulled from the Seine. Putting what’s left of her life on hold, Shayna heads to Paris. But while cleaning out Angela’s apartment, Shayna makes a startling discovery: a coded message meant for her alone…

Alive. Trust no one.

Taking the warning to heart, Shayna maintains the lie. She makes a positive ID on the remains and works to find out where—and why—her missing sister is hiding. Shayna retraces her sister’s footsteps, and they lead her down into Paris’s underbelly.

As she gets closer to the truth—and to the killer—Shayna’s own life may now be in the balance…


This book was a mess. There were so many things that didn't make sense. The protagonist, Shayna does things that are at turns silly, stupid, and dangerous. She was one of those too stupid to live characters. It was very obvious to me who she shouldn't trust. There were also dumb things like her being worried about someone thinking she was her sister and finishing the job, but then she wears her sister's clothes when all her laundry is dirty?  Also, she goes to questionable places, putting herself in danger and won't tell the police what's going on. 

I kept wondering why her sister couldn't have just told her what was going on in the coded message she left, or at least who she shouldn't trust, or where she was. Why leave a whole trail of them instead of just one with more details? And why didn't the police find this coded message and think it was worth looking into? It didn't make any sense.

The reason behind her sister's disappearance was crazy. I guess serial killers are either crazy or evil, but this was absolutely bonkers. In the end some things were left unexplained, like who tried to kidnap Shayna. I have to say that the most interesting character was Madam Chang, and boy was she full of surprises.



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