Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Relic of the Gods (The Echoes Saga, #3) by Philip C. Quaintrell


My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Content: Strong language, Off page sex.



The final days of hope have come and gone. The kingdoms of Illian stand on the edge of ruin, threatened by the armies of Valanis. As evil spreads across the land, too few are left to hold the line.

A world away, the children of fire and flame may be the only hope for the realm, but the dragons have been defeated before. Now Verda’s future hangs in the balance.

Reeling from their losses, Asher and his companions journey north, trying to outrun the savage Darkakin. A confrontation awaits the ranger but, even with Paldora’s gem, he dare not challenge Valanis yet.

The days of the Dragorn have come again, and with them, a relic of the gods has been brought into the light. The knowledge of Verda’s true history weighs on Gideon Thorn, and he would see the world rid of the evil that has cursed it from the shadows for so long.

A great change is coming, and a new Age dawns on the horizon. Whether it be the light or the dark that finds victory, one soul will suffer the burden of destiny for all...

After reading the first two books in this series I really liked it, but there was something missing to make me love it. Well, this third book has almost put it in the love category. I enjoyed it more then the two previous books. It got better and better as I read. One thing I appreciate about this series is that the protagonists aren't too many steps behind the antagonists. There's enough tension to keep my interest but they aren't constantly losing to the antagonists. There are loses felt on both sides throughout. I also like that the battle scenes are really well done. 

I enjoyed the characters, with Gideon and Asher being my favorites. The part where Gideon and Asher meet was one of my favorite parts of the book. But there were others I really enjoyed as well. Doran Heavybelly, the Dwarf had me wishing he was in the book more, and after reading the blurbs for future books, it looks like I'll get my wish for that. Faelin (not sure on the spelling of her name since I listened to it) is another character I've come to appreciate. I think if the book dug a bit deeper into some of these characters it would be even better. 

There are nine books in this series, but the first three books work well as a trilogy, and I think the series is set up that way for the next three books as well, and then the last three. I'll definitely be reading more.

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