Monday, November 18, 2019

Displaced (The Birthright Series Book 1)Displaced by Bridget E. Baker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Content: Some gruesome deaths

My mom should have killed me the day I was born.

Being a twin complicates the Evian line of succession, but Chancery Alamecha is fine letting Judica inherit the throne. After all, she’s the stronger sister—the merciless fighter, the ruthless politician, and the groomed heir. But something unexpected happens when Chancery tries on her mother’s staridium ring, forcing her into a role that she never wanted: the prophesied queen who will prevent the destruction of Earth.

Now I have to kill my sister.

This is the first book in a new series by Bridget E. Baker. I've enjoyed everything she has written so far, and this one ended up being good as well. In the beginning I was a little unsure how much I was going to like it, but it ended up getting better and better as it progressed.

Chancery was easy to like and her sister, Judica was easy to hate. However, I was very conflicted about their mother. I was infuriated at her for some of the things she let Judica get away with, and I don't think Chancery's view of her mother is completely accurate. I kept thinking that Chancery would have some real issues with her mother over the things she lets Judica get away with. However after reading the book and seeing how brutal their culture could be, it made a little more sense why things were the way they were. I think the author is really good at showing how her characters feel, and why they feel that way, and there are definitely some layers that need to be peeled away from some of these characters. This being a series, I know it's not all going to happen in this book, so I can be patient.

I liked the romance in this book, even though the love triangle was slightly annoying. I think we all know who Chancery will end up with. I think the other guy was just thrown in to add some tension. The high school thing that was added late in the book wasn't one of my favorite parts either, even though I understand it was added to help Chancery figure out if she would want to live a human life. Other than those small things I liked this book very much.

I do have to add that there was a lot of blood in this. It wasn't really gory, just a bit descriptive, and it was shocking how brutal these people were. I'm not sure being next to immortal would make me less concerned about the kind of injuries that are inflicted in this book. I mean it still hurts! I would think they wouldn't want to repeat that too often, but clearly they are not like me. I also wondered why they didn't get sick of ruining their clothes and having to clean up all the blood. Practice swords are a thing, maybe they should try using them? 😂 Anyway, it's an interesting world and I plan on reading the sequels.

Thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of this book.

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