Monday, November 18, 2019

unForgivenunForgiven by Bridget E. Baker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Content: Some gruesome deaths

To be feared is lonely. . .

As heir to the evian throne, Judica must be perfect every moment of every day. If she slips up, even once, her mother will replace her. Impossible standards, horrifying decisions, terrible truths—none of these stop Judica from doing what needs to be done. She becomes what her mother demands, what her people need, what she never wanted for herself. But it isn’t enough.

But to be weak is death.

I went into this book thinking there was no way Bridget E. Baker could make me sympathize with Judica. There was just no way I could ever like her after the things she did in Displaced. Wow, was I ever wrong! Reading both sides of the story really does make a difference. I ended up loving Judica.

  "There are two sides to every story, but they can’t both be true, can they? In the second book of the Birthright Series, Bridget E. Baker weaves a tale of bad things done for very good reasons and an unexpected chance at redemption."

That perfectly describes this book. I know the author says this is an optional read, but in my opinion, if you are going to read this series, this is a must read. Lots of things were explained and layers were peeled away so that we were able to see who Judica really is. Along with telling Judica's side of the story, there is also some romance added that was nicely done, and a couple of new characters that I really liked as well.

Thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of this book.

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