Sunday, September 13, 2020

 The Nemesis (Diabolic, #3)The Nemesis by S.J. Kincaid

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Category: Young Adult
Genre: Space Opera, Fantasy
Content: Strong language, off page sex between a married couple, some depraved behavior at a party is mentioned.

Three years ago, Tyrus Domitrian shocked the universe by killing the woman he swore to love forever. The woman for whom he upended the Empire. The woman with whom he wanted to build a new, and brighter, future.

Now, the once-idealistic heir apparent has become the cruel Emperor Tyrus, wielding his authority with an iron fist, capable of destroying galaxies with a single word, controlling all technology with a simple thought. He has bent the Grandiolquy to their knees, and none have the power to stand against him.

But there is a muttering among the Excess. They say that Nemesis is not truly gone. They mutter of her shadow spotted in distant galaxies. They say that Nemesis lives. That she will rise, and rally the people to topple man who was once her truest love—and is now her fiercest enemy.

 Art by Vivien Gintner at

“I saw love on his face. It was real. A villain could love. He loved me. But love was no reason, no justification, no excuse.”

What a roller coaster this series has been! I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this one, especially after the second book in the trilogy broke my heart into a million pieces. The wait for this book was long, but worth it! This trilogy was inspired by I, Claudius and I think the author did a fantastic job weaving that inspiration into these books. I don't want to say anything else about the plot, or too much about Tyrus, or anyone's motivations, but I had hopes that my heart would be mended by this book. I'm not going to say whether it was or not, you'll just have to read the book. I will say that I was impressed, even though things got rather convoluted at times, and I'm not sure the lengths one particular character went to were necessary, but I enjoyed it anyway. My only real complaint is that one character, who is basically a terrorist never has to suffer consequences for some of the things she did.

I would put this trilogy in the older teen category, as there is quite a bit of violence, and depravity in it, though not a lot of detail given. Think of the hedonistic Roman empire. If you like space opera, lots of political machinations, and are looking for a YA trilogy that has a more intricate plot, then you might like this.

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